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How To Make Money Online Free,Easy

How To Make Money Online Free,Easy

How to make money online easy.

There are several ways where you can make money online.

A very, very good money a very, very good income.

We can start with the most basic one such as Youtube.


How to make money on youtube? I’m pretty sure that most of you have a smartphone that has a camera. You can just use your camera to record your daily activities that have been doing during the day.

 how you wake up in the morning, how do you do take your breakfast? How do you do take your lunch?

How do you go to job how is the experience in the job?

 your lifestyle is can be interesting to someone else. So just record a video of how you’ve been doing activities.

Then use a basic app like inshot to compile a very good video of some few minutes and upload to a youtube channel. Once you’re consistent with the uploading videos someone else online, will be interested in watching your videos we give you a subscription. So as the subscription goes up, you get like 1000 subscribers & 4000 hours of watch time. Then you apply for youtube monetization your channel will be approved and you can most definitely make start adding the money using your videos.

How to make online – Make Money On YouTube



2.Affiliate Income

 The second way that i make money online, this is still within the blog and the blogging niche, is through affiliate income. You can find affiliate networks such as commission junction, cj.com, or impact radius, or flex offers, and there are several others that exist out there. But what these affiliate ad-networks do is that they’re like a hub for all the different affiliates out there. So you can set up a free account at any of these ad-networks, and then you will see what companies have partnered with them to get their brand out there.

 So, you basically open a free account at one of these ad-networks, and you will see what other affiliate relationships exist. Apply. You may or may not get accepted. So if you are just starting off, and it’s a high reputable company, they might not approve you off the bat. And don’t let that be discouraging, all that means is that you just need to grow your blog, grow you readership, get more followers, get more fans, and then when you have some data to back that up, you can apply again, and keep applying until they finally say yes. So other affiliates that you can look into are clickbank. Clickbank has tons of products that you can become an affiliate for. Or there is amazon associates.

So if you’re recommending a book, like “think big” or a camera or any product that you bought that you just love, and if you sign up to be an amazon associate affiliate, they will give you a special link that you can share in an email, through texting somebody, or through your social media account: facebook, twitter, whatever. If somebody buys that product through your link, then you’re gonna get paid a little commission for that. So, there are so many different ways with affiliate marketing you can get paid. But that’s the key, with affiliate marketing, is that for you to get paid, that somebody has to sign up through your special link so that you get tracked and credit for that.



 The third way that to make money online you never really think that you’re worth somebody paying to talk to you, like, “am i really that important?” but if you find yourself, when people are coming to you to ask you questions about something that you’ve done, that you have personal experience on, and you have people coming to you over and over again, asking you the same question, then you could get paid a consulting fee.

 the trick is though, you just have to ask! You gotta be brave enough, to have confidence in yourself that yes, you can charge for this. Just start putting it out there and with consulting, the easiest way to do it is you can set up a free paypal account,you can set up a paypal special button so that they can pay you through that way. Or they can just paypal you some money.

The go to clarity.fm an online site that for anybody that wants to offer consulting on any topic that you have, once you set up your free account with clarity.fm,you just list what your experience are or what you want to consult on, and you’ll fill in a profile, this is all free, so people can find you through their website, or if someone comes to you and wants consulting, you can send them your special link that shows what you offer and what your rate per minute is.clarity then takes care of all the payments so they’ll pay through there.

They will charge you a small percentage of whatever that consulting fee is, but i like it because it looks good, it looks professional,and you don’t have to mess with having to send them a paypal link .

4.Online Courses

The fourth way that i make money online is through online courses. We all have unique skills & knowldege about life.you can do an online course and host it at teachable.com,udemy.com or skillshare.com. In videos or pdfs, then the people will pay to get access to that information you can promote the courses on the email list,facebook groups & other platforms that you can use to market your course.

Now the trade-off is that depending on how you make those sales, they will take a larger cut of your course revenue.so whatever your sales are, they’re gonna take a pretty big cut.now you’ll keep most of your cut if you are marketing it yourself, but anything that they do,any sales that they make with their platform, they’re gonna keep a large majority of that.if you don’t have a platform, that’s still a way to get yourself out there,make money selling your experience and information.


The fifth way that to make money online is through podcast.

If you have a podcast, if you enjoy doing podcasts, there is money to be made. Once you grow that audience, once you grow that listenership, there are definitely companies out there that want to get in front of that. So whatever niche that you choose, just look to companies that you want to partner with, seek them out, they could have an affiliate relationship, they might want to do a private sponsor as well.

How to make online

6.Selling Leads

The sixth way that one can make money online is by selling leads. There are lead buyers out there willing to pay a premium for either a life insurance leads, annuity leads, auto insurance leads, Medicare, Medigap leads.

There are so many types of leads that are out there, and these are all just in a personal finance niche that I’m speaking to, but think of other niches that people are looking to buy leads, to offer them some sort of product or service. So that exists out there, and this is one of our very lucrative, multi-revenue sources right now are these leads.


 The seventh way to make money online is through writing, if you’re a good writer, and you can do that really quickly and really good, this is definitely something that you want to look into.

For example another personal finance blogger, and also a friend of mine, Mary Williams from the site clubthrifty.com, she actually has a course on how she grew from zero for freelance writing to making over $20,000 a month from writing. Correct. She’s making $20,000 a month plus, just from writing articles for other people. So that’s what she does. She loves it, she’s great at it, and she gets paid a good chunk to do so.

Another way to get paid for writing, is through amazon, whether you’re writing eBooks, you’re writing kindle books, there is a market there where you can get paid a lot of money to write eBooks. So, it’s just a matter of getting content out there, having a series, so if you’re having multiple books, and just marketing the crap out of it. So that’s another way you can get paid through writing.